Misdemeanor Cases

Misdemeanor offenses are crimes that are punishable by up to one year in county jail (but can follow you for life without legal protection).

The Best Criminal Lawyers for
Your Misdemeanor Case

No criminal charge where you are facing a potential loss of liberty, money, or some other privilege is trivial. In today’s day and age where any arrest is likely to remain on the internet indefinitely, you need to ensure that you keep your criminal record as clean as possible. If you are facing misdemeanor charges in Arkansas, call the attorneys at Lassiter & Cassinelli today!

We’re Ready for Your Misdemeanor Case

What is a “misdemeanor” vs. a “felony?”

Misdemeanor offenses are crimes that are punishable by up to one year in county jail, whereas felony offenses are more serious crimes that are punishable by years in prison.

I’m facing a misdemeanor charge(s). Should I hire an attorney?

YES. Just because a misdemeanor is less serious does not mean that it is not serious. Misdemeanor convictions can affect your ability to get a job, to drive legally, and even to possess a firearm legally. Do NOT fail to take a misdemeanor charge seriously just because it is not a felony, as even a conviction without jail time can have harmful, unforeseen consequences down the line.

What is the minimum and maximum sentence for a misdemeanor offense?

Misdemeanors fall into one of three classifications: Class A; Class B; and Class C. Class A misdemeanors are the most serious, and are punishable by up to 1 year in county jail and/or up to $2,500.00 in fines. Examples of common Class A misdemeanors include Domestic Battering in the Third Degree; Assault in the First Degree; Battery in the Third Degree; simple possession of small quantities of pills/marijuana; and possession of drug paraphernalia related to marijuana. Class B misdemeanors are punishable by up to 90 days in county jail and/or up to $1,000.00 in fines. Common examples include Refusal to Submit to Arrest and Assault in the Second Degree. Class C misdemeanors are punishable by up to 30 days in county jail and/or up to $500.00 in fines. Common examples include Disorderly Conduct; Public Intoxication; and Assault in the Third Degree.

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